I have read and understood the safety rules that apply to Rjukan Klatrepark. I understand that if I violate these rules may not Rjukan Klatrepark held responsible for the consequences. Use of the adventurepark may present a risk and which at worst can cause injury or death . I also agree that I will be expelled from the activity without refund of the ticket if I do not follow the safety rules fully.
I am guardian of person under 18 years who is registered on this form and hereby give my consent for children activities in Rjukan Klatrepark and are aware that if my child breaks these rules may not Rjukan Klatrepark be held responsible for the consequences.
Safety rules
You must have security training before participating in any of the activities in the park.
It is forbidden to use activities without safety training.
Be sure that you have understood the the safety training.
Ask if anything is unclear.
You are responsible for your own and children's activity and safety in the climbing park.
Persons under 18 must have the approval of the guardian to attend the activities.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Climbing harness has three spans - one on his hip and one in each leg strap.
The harness must always sit tight.
If you take off or are unsure whether harness fits properly, take immediately contact with instructor for control.
Make sure you at all times is secured by a minimum of 1 carbiner or pulley.
In each obstacle you must be secured with two carbines or pulley.
Read posting at each activity / obstacle and check that you are properly secured before you move into the activity / obstacle.
Obstacle and activities have height and age requirements - read the posting before pursuing activity.
Baby trail for children between 3 and 6 years
Exercise course 1 and 2 minimum height 100 cm
Green and blue course minimum height 115 cm
Red course minimum height 140 cm
Move slowly and controlled through activities and obstacles.
It is permitted only with a person pr obstacle (if not otherwise stated), wait until it is clear before moving onto the obstacle.
On the platforms between each obstacle it may reside up to 3 people. Wait until there is space available on the platform before you move out of the hazard.
On the zip- line you need to check that there is nobody on the line. If in doubt you should wait until it is ready.
Do not touch the zip- line wire while in motion.
In case of any faults in the plant, the staff shall be contacted immediately.
Maximum weight 120 kg.
Access to activities is not permitted for:
Persons affected by alcohol or drugs.
Persons under the height requirement applicable to each track.
People with heart or lung problems.
People with back or neck injury.
People with serious injuries.
People with serious illnesses.